Learning Linux

There are many online tutorials for learning about Linux based operating systems. At best the articles target the curious and do it yourself (DIY) folks.

Non technical users never read these types of articles. When they stumble across such an article they read about two sentences and close the page. This kind of information makes their eyes glaze like a baby pooping in a diaper.

Non technical users do not care how car engines work. They only want to drive cars. Likewise with computers. If Linux is not preinstalled for them, even by geeky friends, relatives, or neighbors, they are not going to use Linux. Even after getting that far, they are not interested in using a terminal.

The limits of curiosity with non technical users is using apps. How to browse the web. How to exchange email. Managing digital photographs. Writing a letter. Listening to and managing music. Conversing live with friends and family. Playing solitaire.

Sessions? Work spaces? Activities? Operating systems? Kernels? Distributions? ISOs? Meaningless jibberish to non technical users. They do not understand security, backups, LANs, or bandwidth. They are not interested in licenses, philosophy, codes of conduct, social contracts, distinctions between “free” and “non-free,” or free and proprietary. When they open a music player they expect only to see their song collection and play lists. They do not care where photographs are stored or file names. They expect to connect external devices and with a single mouse click transfer photographs to their computer.

Non technical users do not spend time editing config files. They do not write scripts, especially as work-arounds to usability deficiencies.

Point-and-click. Swipes.

So much energy is expended on writing these “Learn Linux” tutorials when the focus should be on using and developing robust apps.

The Year of the Linux Desktop awaits.

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