SSH Basics

SSH questions are common in Linux forums. Some important points to remember:

  • There are two ends of the SSH connection: the local client and the remote server. The words server and client are used with respect to the process and not the computers.
  • The default SSH server configuration usually is stored in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
  • The default SSH client configuration usually is stored in /etc/ssh/ssh_config.
  • Some client defaults may be overridden in the user’s $HOME/.ssh/config file.
  • To shorten the full commands needed, aliases can be created in $HOME/.ssh/config.
  • The remote account name is important when connecting. Often people need to connect from one user account into a different user account.
  • When practical disable logging in as root. This is not always possible, such as with many embedded devices.
  • When practical use key pairs rather than passwords. This is not always possible, such as with many embedded devices.
  • The public key is always the key to copy elsewhere. The private key is never copied anywhere.
  • The intended user should generate the key pair rather than another person. If another person generates the key pair then that person has access to the private key.
  • Computers can be stolen or compromised. A common way to ensure a private key cannot be compromised is with a pass phrase.
  • Usually public keys are stored in the remote account $USER/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  • Multiple key pairs may be used with multiple remote systems.
  • The ssh-copy-id can be used to copy public keys to a remote account, but if the remote SSH server is configured to only use key pairs the command no longer will function when there is no public key already uploaded.
  • When practical avoid deprecated ciphers.
  • Changing the default port of 22 is playing whack-a-mole. A better defense against bots and script kiddies is key pairs and firewall rules that drop rogue password attempts.

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