Writing Tools

I consider myself a decent speller but I am human. Sometimes my brain disengages and I need to refresh my mind how to spell a word. For years I have used Goldendict. While I use the software as a spell checker, the tool also is a dictionary, from which I verify I am correctly using the meaning of a word.

I need to find appropriate words. A thesaurus helps. I keep Artha handy.

I started writing before personal and desktop computers became popular. I still have and use my 6 lb. Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary that I bought in the 1980s. I keep a dead tree version of Roget’s Thesaurus handy too.

I have a copy of the Noah Webster’s 1828 First Edition Dictionary. Reading how the definition of a word has changed is interesting.

Posted: Category: Usability Tagged: Tech Writing

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