Microsoft Updates

Lately I have been tinkering with my refurbished Windows 7 system. Mostly to gain confidence with running Windows 7 in a virtual machine using raw disk mode. Also to learn some basics about reinstalling from scratch and performing repairs.

Part of my lessons include experimenting with ripping from the system Get Windows 10 and backported telemetry spying crap. I use a cloned drive for the experiments. My original drive is already infected with the Get Windows 10 virus and backported telemetry crap. Although, as I never responded to the original Windows 10 nag notice, I have yet to see any unrequested downloads such files.

One thing I notice since I owned the box. Updates take a very long time. I have no idea why.

The dialog provides no meaningful feedback. Just a silly throbber bar. No text. No percentages. Nothing. Just sit and wait. Find something else to do.

Curiouser, when I watch the Windows network applet for bandwidth usage, the totals do not change for a very long time. Yet the hard drive LED is blinking like crazy as does the respective port LED on my switch.

Then, always after a very long waiting period, I finally am notified there are updates. The network monitor numbers change. Then the waiting game again plays full tilt while approved updates are downloaded. There is some nominal textual feedback but all I can guess is Microsoft servers run at about 1 Mbps. The download process is agonizingly slow.

Then the installs begin. More waiting.

Then there is another waiting game at shutdown/reboot and again with booting.

What actually happens during a Windows update session? Why do people tolerate this nonsense?

Posted: Category: Usability Tagged: General, Windows

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